• TT 1/120
TT - Vůz Baim 288. MTB
  • TT - Vůz Baim 288. MTB
  • TT - Vůz ČSD Baim 288. MTB

TT - ČSD car Baim 288, MTB


Model připojného vozu Baim k vozům řad 853 (M296.1/2) v nátěru ČSD.


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Stock information provided on this website is for guidance only. Precise information up on demand.

  Delivery policy

Shipping is done usually once a week.

  Return policy

Return within 14 days, back shipping costs on customers expense.




Epocha III.
Délka 205 mm
Hmotnost 70 g
Min. poloměr oblouku 300 mm
Zvuk ne
Počet hnaných náprav 0
Počet bandáž. náprav 0
Spřáhlo šachta dle NEM (standartně krátké spřáhlo)
Product Details
10 Items

Data sheet

Model Scale
TT 1:120

In addition to the analog version of the model, the package also includes a bag with accessories such as hand railing, brake hoses and other plastic bits.

The model is not equipped with interior light, which might be purchased separately.

Not suitable for children below 14. Safety warning: The model is intended for adult modelers. For legislative reasons, this is not a toy suitable for children under 14 years of age. Children should only use the product under adult supervision.

Models are supplied without lighting as standard. We will be happy to equip your model with digital lighting of our production or analogue lighting from the manufacturer. Lighting may not be available for all car types, we are working hard on expanding our offer to other cars.

In case of purchase of the model together with the lighting plate we charge a reduced amount for installation in the amount of 100,- CZK.

When purchasing lighting and supplying your own model, we charge an amount of 400,- CZK for Balm, Baim, Bai and other stand-alone cars. For Bp903 type kits we charge the amount of 600,- CZK.

It is recommended to combine the lighting installation with the fitting of the figures. Without them the illuminated car looks rather sad :-).

The necessary decoders can be found below in the "You might be interested in" tab. There you can also find spare parts for this model, possibly other accessories.

If you are not sure about the right choice of board, please contact us and we will be happy to recommend a suitable decoder and other necessary materials. It is also possible to simply add a request for model lighting in the order notes when ordering.

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