F912 – Časné léto – starter pack foliáží F011. F012. F502 a F532
  • F912 – Časné léto – starter pack foliáží F011. F012. F502 a F532

F912 - Early Summer - starter pack of folios F011, F012, F502 and F532


Combined pack of 4 foils in the shade early summer suitable for beginners who want to try working with foils on a small sample first, as well as for builders of small dioramas and vignettes.
The size of each sheet is 9x14 cm, the pack contains a total of 4 sheets of different types of foils - F011, F012, F502 and F532.


  Stock information

Stock information provided on this website is for guidance only. Precise information up on demand.

  Delivery policy

Shipping is done usually once a week.

  Return policy

Return within 14 days, back shipping costs on customers expense.


The size of each sheet is 9x14 cm, the package contains a total of 4 sheets of different types of foils, namely:
F011 wetland medium.
F012 Wetland dark.
F502 Shrubland low summer.
F532 Step green (early summer).

1. The substrate to be applied must be free of dust and grease! Anything can be used as a substrate, but it is recommended to paint this substrate a similar shade to the foil colour.

2. The foil that has been pre-shaped (preferably by tearing, the edges are unnaturally straight when cut) must be gently moistened with water from the underside before gluing - preferably with a spray bottle (no need for a wetting agent/detergent) and the water should be left on for 1 minute to soften the foil.

3. We recommend Duvilax BD-20 dispersion adhesive (undiluted!) as an adhesive. This adhesive should be thoroughly brushed onto the substrate so that the adhesive layer is even and thin, it must not form puddles.

4. Place the moistened foil on the adhesive-coated substrate and press gently with your fingers so that the foil follows the surface. Allow to dry.

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