TT - Tables

TT - Tables

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  • TT 1/120

Reference: VIP_22T47810xx

Brand: Pojezdy.EU

TT - Tables T478.10xx (red)

Etched plates for T478.1 series locomotive. Etched from 0,15 mm thick Alpaca. The base of the plate is in red, the relief (numbers) in the original colour of shiny metal. The etching contains 4 plates + 1 spare.
Price Kč39.00
In stock
  • TT 1/120

Reference: VIP_22T47840xx

Brand: Pojezdy.EU

TT - Series tables T478.40xx (red)

Etched plates for T478.4 series locomotives. Etched from 0.15 mm thick Alpaca. The base of the plate is in red, the relief (numbers) in the original colour of shiny metal. The etching contains 4 plates + 1 spare.
Price Kč39.00
In stock
  • TT 1/120

Reference: VIP_22T47820xx

Brand: Pojezdy.EU

TT - Series tables T478.20xx (red)

Leptané tabulky pro lokomotivy řady T478.2. Vyleptáno z Alpaky 0.15 mm silné. Podklad tabulky je v červené barvě, reliéf (čísla) v původní barvě lesklého kovu. Lept obsahuje 4 tabulky + 1 náhradní.
Price Kč39.00
In stock
  • TT 1/120

Reference: VIP_22T4781x

Brand: Pojezdy.EU

TT - Tables T458.1xxx (red)

Etched plates for T458.1 series locomotive. Etched from 0.2 mm thick Alpaca. The base of the plate is in red, the relief (numbers) in the original colour of shiny metal. The etching contains 4 plates + 1 spare.
Price Kč29.00
  • TT 1/120

Reference: VIP_22T435x

Brand: Pojezdy.EU

TT - Tables T435.xxxx (red)

Etched plates for T435 series locomotive. Etched from 0.2 mm thick Alpaca. The base of the plate is in red, the relief (numbers) in the original colour of shiny metal. The etching contains 4 plates + 1 spare.
Price Kč29.00
  • TT 1/120

Reference: VIP_22T466x

Brand: Pojezdy.EU

TT - Tables T466.xxxx (red)

Etched plates for T466 series locomotive. Etched from 0.2 mm thick Alpaca. The base of the plate is in red, the relief (numbers) in the original colour of shiny metal. The etching contains 4 plates + 1 spare.
Price Kč29.00
  • TT 1/120

Reference: VIP_22T669x

Brand: Pojezdy.EU

TT - Tables T669.xxxx (red)

Etched plates for T669 series locomotive. Etched from 0.2 mm thick Alpaca. The base of the plate is in red, the relief (numbers) in the original colour of shiny metal. The etching contains 4 plates + 1 spare.
Price Kč29.00
  • TT 1/120

Reference: VIP_22TM152x

Brand: Pojezdy.EU

TT - Tables M152.xxxx (red)

Etched plates for M152 series locomotive. Etched from 0.2 mm thick Alpaca. The base of the plate is in red, the relief (numbers) in the original colour of shiny metal. The etching contains 4 plates + 1 spare.
Price Kč29.00
  • TT 1/120

Reference: VIP_222M240x

Brand: Pojezdy.EU

TT - Tables M240.xxxx (red)

Etched plates for M240 series locomotive. Etched from 0.2 mm thick Alpaca. The base of the plate is in red, the relief (numbers) in the original colour of shiny metal. The etching contains 4 plates + 1 spare.
Price Kč29.00
  • TT 1/120

Reference: VIP_22TES499x

Brand: Pojezdy.EU

TT - Tables series ES499.xxxx (red)

Etched plates for locomotive series ES499. Etched from 0.2 mm thick Alpaca. The base of the plate is in red, the relief (numbers) in the original glossy metal colour. The etching contains 4 plates + 1 spare.
Price Kč29.00
  • TT 1/120

Reference: VIP_22T679x

Brand: Pojezdy.EU

TT - Tables T679.xxxx (red)

Leptané tabulky pro lokomotivu řady T679. Vyleptáno z Alpaky 0.2 mm silné. Podklad tabulky je v červené barvě, reliéf (čísla) v původní barvě lesklého kovu. Lept obsahuje 4 tabulky + 1 náhradní.
Price Kč29.00

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